Dr Renuka Thakore

Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) PIEMA AFHEA, Founder of the Global Sustainable Futures Network CIC, UK, provides leadership to a global Network, administering multidisciplinary activities and research partnerships development platform. Renuka received several Awards including "Development Leadership: Governor Enrique Tomás Cresto Award 2022".


FRIDAY IDEA EXCHANGE is a unique program providing a space for people worldwide to present their work on the best sustainable practices. We conduct monthly events every second and third Friday of the month, which serves as a public engagement and knowledge exchange platform. These monthly meetings invite speakers, training, lectures, brainstorming sessions and networking….

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Annual Conferences GSFN2023

Showcase your achievements The GSFN2023 was designed to showcase your achievements. We invited you to submit proposals where three stakeholders had worked together to deliver a product or service to the society/community.  One of the sessions was a panel discussion showcasing exemplary demonstrations. The panel has three people: one academic, one business/community, and one representative of…

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