Bamboo Resource Centre

Bamboo Resource Centre is a Kenyan Social Enterprise run by Grace Hour Enterprises through its Sifa Bible Institute Division. It promotes Eco-cultural Theology through bamboo plant physiology (the plant) and ecology (its environment). Our goals are to mitigate and help adapt to climate change, conserve the local environment, protect local biodiversity, support sustainable livelihoods, and scaffold environmental entrepreneurship. We work in the Lake Victoria Basin Counties in the Republic of Kenya.

Our Climate Change Adaptation Villages Strategy works in 10 communities to help local households within a 10km radius of our Adaptation Village to build adaptive capacities and resilience to climate change. This adopts two approaches- hardware and software. Our Adaptation Village Hardware are tangible installations set by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in eight communities to help transfer knowledge, skills and technologies to target communities. They consist of a community hall, a solarized borehole with a water kiosk, a demo farm with drip irrigation kits and a tree nursery. The software helps local households adapt to climate change through group-based self-help approaches. We focus on support to and for Climate Smart Agriculture, Reduced household carbon footprint, Small and Micro Enterprises Development and Civic Competence Development.

Regarding these, we focus on partnerships and collaborations that transfer skills, technologies, and financing to the households and communities we work with in our Climate Change Adaptation Villages.

Focus on Bamboo Agro-forestry Project

Our partnership will focus on our Bamboo Agro-forestry Project through our Adaptation Villages Strategy. We have identified Farm Carbon for the Adaptation Villages. We will build partnerships to help mainstream solar products in the target households. We will partner with trades on solar products as Last Mile Distributors, which can trade through a pay-go model so that financially vulnerable households can own solar assets through loans. We will build partnerships that support tree nurseries and small-holder agro-forestry work. This will help local families increase their fruits and related products. We also work with schools too.

We welcome volunteers and interns willing to visit these Villages for vacation and support our work as part of their vacation and holidays. We can provide homestays.

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