GSFN partners with the Sustainability Directory

Sustainability Directory is your trusted partner in navigating the evolving landscape of sustainable business & lifestyle. We understand that the path to a sustainable future can be complex and filled with jargon and overwhelming information. That’s why we’re committed to providing clarity, cutting through the noise, and delivering actionable insights that drive real change. Our…

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GSFN is pleased to announce a collaboration with El-Roi London University to exchange knowledge and insights on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on their core areas of expertise during conferences and relevant events. This exchange will be extended to publications, joint workshops, and collaborative research initiatives. El-Roi London University is the Higher…

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GSFN and UN-Aligned are sponsoring a SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP AND POSITIVE PEACE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP. You are invited to express your interest in becoming a SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP AND POSITIVE PEACE RESEARCH FELLOW.  The Sustainable Leadership and Positive Peace Research Board is a collaborative project between GSFN, UK and UN-Aligned Finland. The Research Board would focus on developing novel…

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Increasing education – using knowledge as a shared power

Global Sustainable Futures Network coordinates purposeful educational programs that can be delivered to the unique community wanting to put them into practice simultaneously. This could include educational series on farming practices, water management, land management, clean air, waste management, spiritual leadership, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder engagement, research skills, project management, mental health, climate change, and…

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Multidisciplinary Activities and Partnerships Development Platform

s trengthening Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in the Global South needs a systems approach. Capacity development and a more profound linkage between research, policy and practice can speed the transition to an innovation-led, knowledge-based economy. Though several strategies are employed to address specific barriers, an open, inclusive, and proactively engaging platform for developing and…

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