GSFN combines forces with UNIJECRE in DRC

“Union of Young Christians of the Congo for Reform-Unijecre” promotes Sustainable Development. CREATION Created on October 25, 2015, in Bukavu, South Kivu-DRC, Unijecre has been committed to the development of energy efficiency and renewable energies while protecting the environment, an approach based on a global and constructed approach to water resources over a coherent perimeter. From a hydrological…

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GSFN sets the stage with CarbonEx to implement projects contributing to NDCs

We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with CarbonEx, a pioneering organization promoting sustainable agriculture and climate resilience. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in our shared commitment to sustainability, climate mitigation, and adaptation efforts that benefit local communities, farmers and the environment. Empowering Farmers for Climate Resilience Climate change profoundly threatens agricultural…

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GSFN is pleased to announce a collaboration with El-Roi London University to exchange knowledge and insights on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on their core areas of expertise during conferences and relevant events. This exchange will be extended to publications, joint workshops, and collaborative research initiatives. El-Roi London University is the Higher…

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Global South Summits

Global Sustainable Futures Network (GSFN) is embarking on an exciting new journey of capacity development at community levels in the Global South. Capacity building of Global South in addressing the severe challenges of climate change and achieving sustainable development goals is essential and urgent. Equipping countries, communities and individuals with knowledge, skills and resources can…

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