
Latest Call

Calls for multisectoral and multinational transdisciplinary research projects

GSFN engages its coordinators, develops scientific publications, and provides the best way to contribute to the literature on sustainable practices and sustainable development goals through research projects and collaboration activities.

GSFN Coordinators can propose their research projects and ask relevant coordinators to engage and facilitate their research projects in whole or part of any research activities throughout the lifecycle process of the research project. GSFN will respond to requests to identify experts with research in specific SDGs. It brings together a list of relevant coordinators who have expressed interest in contributing to one or more SDGs across its network.

In all cases, GSFN aims to improve the research capacity and capability of researchers and sustainability professionals throughout the globe by providing multidisciplinary activities, partnership development, collaborations between various stakeholders and research partnerships between diverse academics. Flexibility, responsiveness, knowledge exchange, and enhancement in education and research are fundamental elements to achieving a sustainable future. Thus, GSFN is happy to consider requests that fall within the remit of these broad objectives. 

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