International Women’s Day 2024

Inspiring thoughts of creating an ecosystem that fosters women’s inclusivity, diversity and equity were shared by Dr Renuka Thakore on this International Women’s Day 2024

Dr Renuka Thakore, Founder, GSFN, on International Women’s Day 2024

We invite every woman to share your unique experiences and expertise in building solid societies free from gender inequality at every level.

Everyone has a story; yours could inspire and guide others toward creating a more sustainable and fulfilling life.

Whether you’ve implemented eco-friendly practices, embraced community initiatives, or found innovative ways to balance happiness, leadership and sustainability, your journey is valuable and worth sharing.
Your perspective matters as it can inspire others and provide practical insight into the challenges, victories, and lessons learned. It can also build community values that foster connections, encourage collaboration, and create a network of like-minded women leaders striving for positive change. Your contribution to a global dialogue will build a more sustainable world.

To get started, UPLOAD a brief overview of your journey, and we’ll take it from there. Whether it’s a written piece, a video interview, or any other format comfortable, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable.

Thank you very much for considering this invitation. Let’s show the world that building a happy and sustainable society is a journey we can all embark on.
EmpowerHER EGYPT 2024-25 (

The incredible work and pace of Turab Randhawa at the METAGOOD and Sustainable Design Council in Pakistan and their contribution to the Global South Capacity Building programme for women empowerment were celebrated by honouring women in Pakistan and the Global South. Visit the page

The 3R ZeroWaste Private Limited hosted a robust discussion on “Women in a Net Zero World” as part of our ongoing commitment to amplify women’s voices in sustainability. The event coincided with International Women’s Day, adding an extra layer of significance to our dialogue.

During the discussion, speakers eloquently articulated the significance of women’s empowerment in driving sustainability efforts. They highlighted the need for capacity building, equal participation, and systemic transformation to address global challenges effectively. Additionally, insights were shared on the gendered impact of climate change and the urgency of empowering women in clean energy.

The event was a testament to the invaluable contributions of women in environmental and social change. It served as a platform for envisioning a future where women are empowered to lead the charge toward a net-zero world.

Overall, the discussion sparked inspiration, reflection, and action towards creating a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

This IWD, March 8th, we addressed the global need to inspire inclusion and invest in women. In the webinar shared by KIGEN, Bee (Bijal) Hayes-Thakore delves into the transformative power of technology in uplifting women across the globe. In an era where technological advancements are shaping the future and lives of many, this is still only the case for some, particularly women. Hear from several organisations fighting to change this by creating opportunities, breaking bias barriers, and fostering global gender equality through technology.

These thought leaders discuss the game-changing impact of digital inclusion and its effects on individuals and broader communities. Let’s explore how technology catalyzes positive and essential change in women’s lives.

Key Topics:

  • Digital Inclusion barriers: Understanding and addressing the barriers that hinder women’s access to technology.
  • Economic/Educational Empowerment: Exploring how technology opens doors for entrepreneurship, skill development, and career advancement for women.
  • Overcoming Challenges: How do you safely open access to the internet and digital work opportunities where cultural barriers exist?
  • Future Perspectives: How will we design future systems—digital and AI—with our learnings on inclusivity?

Join this meaningful conversation that aims to shape a more inclusive and empowering future for women through the lens of technology. Come for the discussion and leave with hope and tools to make a difference. Together, we hope to bring a dialogue that will move us toward a more equitable, empowered, and inclusive future.

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