GSFN is proud to have a DIGITAL PARTNER working tirelessly to ensure that correct decisions are made with digital processes. Website, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media channels were optimised by Shohidul Islam. Shohidul Islam Meet Shohidul Islam from Bangladesh. He is a Professional Digital Marketer with 5+ years of experience in the online marketplace. He…

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GSFN joins hands with UNITY QUEST

GSFN is proud to partner with UNITY QUEST along their journey of ONE PLANET, SHARED GOALSThe Unity Quest stands as an unwavering force for change—an independent and versatile advocacy platform that advocates for change, peace, and freedom while also championing sustainability and international development.According to the Founder, Cidy Colinjn, “Our icon, the wooden puppet, serves…

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Dr Renuka Thakore shared personal experiences at the United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February 2024

Dr Renuka Thakore participated in the Round Table: “Technology and Digital Transformation in Surmounting Obstacles Facing Women in Science” An exchange was moderated by Dr. Amira Senbel, Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), on the future of empowering women in the digital transformation era:…

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FRIDAY IDEA EXCHANGE is a unique program providing a space for people worldwide to present their work on the best sustainable practices. We conduct monthly events every second and third Friday of the month, which serves as a public engagement and knowledge exchange platform. These monthly meetings invite speakers, training, lectures, brainstorming sessions and networking….

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