Global South Summits

Global Sustainable Futures Network (GSFN) is embarking on an exciting new journey of capacity development at community levels in the Global South.

Capacity building of Global South in addressing the severe challenges of climate change and achieving sustainable development goals is essential and urgent. Equipping countries, communities and individuals with knowledge, skills and resources can empower stakeholders to navigate the complexities of climate policies, foster sustainable development and achieve national, regional, and global targets. The series of regional dialogues can build and enhance countries’ capacities to increase the impact and sustainability of national adaptation plans.

Strategies for fostering increased engagement within communities of the global south, building mutually reinforced platforms for the exchange of dialogue, and implementing a fair, unsupervised, multidisciplinary network are, therefore, crucial. The Global Sustainable Futures Network provides an integrated approach targeted to the scientific and non-scientific to foster increased engagement directed to ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ to solve the climate crisis, including finance and technology needed for low carbon growth, and coordinate inter-sectoral coherence towards macroeconomic, financial, trade and industrial policies, required for regional growth and development and building regional resilience to climate change.

The Global Sustainable Future Network Summits are unprecedented opportunities for the Global South communities to overcome the vulnerabilities in the existing institutional, technological, and financial gaps and provide complementary pathways for South-South cooperation and economic integration. Learning takes place in areas such as clean technology, energy transitions, mobilizing limited financial resources, and the management of the comprehensive green transition tailored to local circumstances, co-creating a future together that addresses true well-being in the context of humankind and our planet within the greater whole.

Global South communities’ leadership is paramount in climate change and sustainable development because it can co-develop impact at the local level, engaging local stakeholders and promoting inter-community engagement.  At the national level, it can engage with political actions protecting communities and their resources, increase participation in improving biodiversity, and at the international level,  Global South communities will engage in international collaborations and ensure equitable resources and possessions, procuring equal benefits among national and international collaborators. Finally, the Global South leadership in climate change has the most potential for worldwide improvements, supporting positive, long-lasting changes in our scientific and non-scientific communities.

We have our pioneering pilot project with the interdependence collaborative leadership structure in Pakistan this month, and we will expand to Egypt in February, Kenya in March, Nigeria in April, Brazil in June, and so on (TBC).


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