GSFN acknowledges Organic Farming Initiative Project: AgriTC’ Bio

GSFN is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of AgriTC’ Bio for Organic Farming Initiative Project. This event rises from the aspirations of the organic farming community in Beriri Jarak Village, Wanasaba District, East Lombok. AgriTC and Lasingan have responded by implementing these aspirations into an initiative for advanced and sustainable organic agriculture under the theme…

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GSFN and UN-Aligned are sponsoring a SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP AND POSITIVE PEACE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP. You are invited to express your interest in becoming a SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP AND POSITIVE PEACE RESEARCH FELLOW.  The Sustainable Leadership and Positive Peace Research Board is a collaborative project between GSFN, UK and UN-Aligned Finland. The Research Board would focus on developing novel…

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Multidisciplinary Activities and Partnerships Development Platform

s trengthening Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in the Global South needs a systems approach. Capacity development and a more profound linkage between research, policy and practice can speed the transition to an innovation-led, knowledge-based economy. Though several strategies are employed to address specific barriers, an open, inclusive, and proactively engaging platform for developing and…

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